Selected projects
Raymalt is involved in projects across the whole product development spectrum. A few selected projects and assignments are described briefly below. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more.
Power quality instrument development
Raymalt takes part in the development of power quality instrument hardware and software, with special focus on the measurement methodology and signal processing techniques. In addition, advanced analytics and machine learning are applied to the collected data to further extract actionable insights about the power grid.
IoT startup coaching and advisory services
Raymalt supports an IoT startup company with coaching, advice and analytics services to contribute to their journey towards volume production. The device is a small battery-powered measurement system used in heavy industrial applications that communicates data over a low-power wireless interface.
Streaming data software adapter
A large European corporation in the public transport sector have built a load shedding system to allow for dynamic power balancing to uphold system stability. Raymalt implemented a robust data streaming adapter, subscribing to RTPS data from measurement devices, transforming the data and publishing the output to a Apache Kafka broker.
Teaching at university
An introduction to power quality was taught as part of a course at a local university. Leveraging the experience gathered from many years within power measurement equipment development, special training material was devised and lectures were given at the university.
Research and development project participation
We participate in a research and development project run by a Swedish research institude together with the Swedish transmission system operator. The project’s main goal is to build an open measurement platform where highly accurate measurement functions can be implemented. Raymalt contributes with expertise in measurement methods as well as modeling of substations components.